Westild’s Law is a western twin stick shooter with a retro-look. You play one of two bounty hunters, male or female, and clear out a town of bandits. The game play loop is take one of several missions types, get the reward money. In town, sell the treasure you collect to the bank. Then you either purchase/upgrade your guns, upgrade your stats, or get special abilities. The mission types are as follows: Kill bandits, rescue hostages, defending a dynamite wagon, horse racing(survive to the end), train shootout, and boss battles. Regardless of the mission type in Westild’s Law, you’re just basically killing enemies, just to different ends.

In Westild’s Law, you move with the left stick, aim with the right. Shoot with ZR. Y is Reload. ZL is a special dash with a cool down. You’re invulnerable while dashing, which is critical. You can upgrade the dash with things like reducing the cool down and reflecting bullets. Now, there are two types of weaponry, the weapon you carry and the weapon enemies do. You can pick up dropped weaponry. It is suggested you do as they’re generally more powerful than carried weapons. However, they cannot be reloaded and are thrown when depleted. You can throw them early with the R button. Finally, I suggest you upgrade you health in Westild’s Law as quickly as possible, make life a lot easier, though health pickups are pretty common.

I liked Westild’s Law, I found it fun. I think its one of the better western games I’ve played, and I’ve played a few, including Sunset Riders and the atrocious Guns and Spurs 2.The game gets plenty difficult later on as the bullets start flying and your dash becomes critical to survival. My only complaint is the boss battles don’t feel epic enough, but that’s really a minor nitpick. I give Westild’s Law a Recommended Verdict with an eight back-end score. A solid and exciting twin-stick shooter for a budget price of seven dollars.

Overall: Westild’s Law may look puny, but it is a good twin-stick shooter at a budget price. I highly recommend it!

Verdict: Recommended.

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