Experience the epitome of luxury as Pursuitist, your reliable global luxury guide, presents you with an unrivaled tour of the world’s top cigar bars. Explore our hand-picked, prestigious selections, as we light the way to the ultimate ‘cigar bars’ destinations, renowned for their premier ‘cigar selections’, unique ambiance, and first-class service. We have journeyed across bustling cityscapes like ‘Havana’, ‘New York’, and ‘London’, hunting down the finest establishments that turn the simple pleasure of smoking a ‘luxury cigar’ into an extraordinary sensory experience.
These top five ‘best cigar bars’ cater to both seasoned ‘cigar aficionados’ and novices, offering an impressive portfolio of the world’s ‘finest cigars’. So, whether you’re searching for the ‘best cigar bars in the world’ or the ‘best cigars’ to try, this comprehensive guide is your ticket to a flavorful journey into the heart of luxury.
La Casa del Habano, Havana, Cuba: Situated in the heart of Havana, La Casa del Habano stands as a beacon for cigar lovers worldwide. This iconic bar offers an impressive selection of authentic Cuban cigars, complemented by a menu of traditional Cuban dishes. Here, knowledgeable staff are always on hand to assist patrons in choosing the perfect cigar to match their preferences. The vibrant culture and rich cigar heritage make this a must-visit destination.
The Grand Havana Room, New York City, USA: Located in Manhattan’s upscale Upper East Side, the Grand Havana Room is a hub of luxury and style, attracting celebrities and high-profile individuals. The bar features an extensive array of world-class cigars and a fully stocked bar, alongside a menu offering sophisticated American cuisine. This spot provides an unmatched cosmopolitan smoking experience.
Davidoff of Geneva, London, UK: Davidoff of Geneva, a globally recognized cigar brand, welcomes patrons at their flagship store in London. This esteemed location boasts a broad selection of signature Davidoff cigars and a full bar, partnered with a menu inspired by European cuisine. Visiting this store is not merely a smoking experience, but an introduction to the refined world of Davidoff.
Empire Social Lounge, Miami, USA: A hub of elegance and refinement in Miami, Empire Social Lounge in Brickell offers an upscale cigar lounge experience. The meticulously curated ambiance, from the custom leather furniture to the cozy lighting and unique wall and backlit bar design, caters to even the most discerning cigar aficionados. Empire’s walk-in humidor provides an unrivaled selection of the world’s finest cigar brands and blends. The venue’s pièce de résistance is the “vintage collector’s room”, home to their very own Brickell Series Casa de Montecristo Cigar and other vintage treasures.
The Ashton Cigar Bar, Philadelphia, USA: Located in downtown Philadelphia, the Ashton Cigar Bar is a celebrated establishment for both locals and tourists. Patrons can choose from a wide selection of Ashton cigars, enjoy a full bar, and savor a menu of classic American cuisine, making it a sought-after location for an excellent smoking experience.
Our curated selection of prestigious cigar bars offers only a glimpse into the vibrant global landscape of luxury cigar establishments. As the Pursuitist, we are honored to be your guide in the exciting journey through the world of premium cigars. These top-rated venues stand as exquisite sanctuaries for those who appreciate the fine art of smoking and are perfect destinations whether you’re a seasoned connoisseur looking to explore new flavors or a novice taking your first steps into the world of cigars. When the desire to enjoy a premium cigar strikes, let this guide be your compass, leading you to one of these world-class destinations. Unwind, savor the intricate notes of a fine cigar, and let the unique experiences they offer transport you across the globe. Here’s to your next great adventure in the world of luxury cigars!
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