There’s something suspicious about the Dark Aether mushrooms in Black Ops 6 Zombies’ The Tomb map, and here’s why you should always let them grow!

Season 2 has finally arrived, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies fans have a new round-based map to explore in The Tomb.

Set around an ancient dig site, the ex-members of Requiem quickly discover that The Tomb holds a special ‘Door to Nowhere,’ giving them access to the Dark Aether.

And we recommend paying special attention to the fungi within, the next time you head inside!

What Do The Tomb Mushrooms Do?

These strange mushrooms that players will encounter growing in The Tomb’s Dark Aether will initially appear as tiny green plants.

Green Mushroom Black Ops 6 Zombies The Tomb

After a few rounds, assuming they’re not destroyed, they’ll become larger, blue mushrooms.

Blue Mushroom Black Ops 6 Zombies The TombBlue Mushroom Black Ops 6 Zombies The Tomb

And after a couple more rounds, they’ll reach their maximum size as giant purple mushrooms.

Purple Mushroom Black Ops 6 Zombies The TombPurple Mushroom Black Ops 6 Zombies The Tomb

Players have been wondering what exactly is going on with this mysterious region’s fungi for some time – and we finally have the answers.

Instead of shooting the Dark Aether mushrooms to break them, players need to hold down the melee button (R3/RS/V) on them instead! This will cause the plant to shake and finally explode, releasing two flying bugs into the air.

Mushroom Bugs in The Tomb Black Ops 6 ZombiesMushroom Bugs in The Tomb Black Ops 6 Zombies

Quickly pull out your gun and shoot the bugs, which will be colored based on their rarity. You’ll only have a few seconds to shoot the insects before they fly away, but doing so will cause high-tier loot to drop onto the ground.

We’ve seen rare weapons and Scorestreaks drop in our games, but player reports indicate that more powerful items such as Legendary Aether Tools can drop from the gold insects. Therefore, be sure to leave these mushrooms alone until it’s time to harvest!

Checking out the Dark Aether fungi isn’t the only way to score some free loot, however! In fact, The Tomb has plenty of free stuff on offer, which you can check out using the links below:

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