Something slightly different for todays retro heads up, as if you are a huge fan of Dungeon Crawlers, especially games such as Eye of the Beholder or Lands of Lore. Then you may be interested to know that Captain DarkN3m0 is still working on a new Dungeon Crawler for the Amiga called ‘The Cthulhu Project’; A horror like RPG which the creator says “is being developed using AMOS PRO as a 3D old school Dungeon Master like game”. To coincide with this news, a new video has been posted which demonstrates the updated dialog system.

Although it is still at a work in progress state as seen by the video above, we can already see a lot of love has gone into The Cthulhu Project. As it doesn’t just feature a dark atmospheric vibe with gritty dungeon themes, but there’s NPC’s to talk to, deadly disgusting enemies to fight, an automap, new music by Simone Bernacchia and much much more which will hopefully appear in a future video! So yes certainly one to keep an eye on when it gets an eventual release for the Commodore Amiga.

UPDATE : A new video has been added with the following description “Currently, programming elements such as doors, hatches, traps…I’ve made good progress with the dialog system. The switches come into play. Sorry about the graphics, that’ll come later…

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