In our tour through retro games available to buy on Switch, we’ve worked our way through the NES, Game Boy, and SEGA Genesis selections among other more recent console libraries. This time we’re taking a look at the games that originated with Nintendo’s 16-bit console, the Super NES. While you can find plenty of great games from the console in the Nintendo Switch Online app, we’re instead looking at those games that dare to exist in the wilds of the Switch eShop. We’ve got ten of our favorites here, plus five more games that we’d like to see. No particular order, of course. Oh, and to cut off potential comments at the pass: Mega Man X isn’t here because I feel the input lag in the Legacy Collection hurts it too badly. Stone-cold classic, just not a great play experience on Switch. On with the show!
A very rare case of a Konami franchise born on a SEGA platform, Rocket Knight Adventures was a game Super NES owners could easily envy. While that game never came to Nintendo’s console, a version of the sequel did. Sparkster is the name of two distinct games, and the Super NES offering bearing that title is probably the better of the two. Not quite up to the original game, but plenty of fun.
Rock ‘n Roll Racing – Blizzard Arcade Collection ($19.99)
Before Blizzard became a household name for joking about phone ownership, it was making some very good console games. Also a pretty iffy Justice League fighting game, but we’re not here to talk about that. Instead, we’re talking about the highly enjoyable isometric racer that fused exciting gameplay with a fantastic licensed soundtrack. This game alone is worth the price of admission for this collection, but you get a handful of other cool Super NES games with it.
Top Racer – Top Racer Collection ($19.99)
More popularly known under the title Top Gear, Top Racer is one of the better choices in the racing genre on the Super NES. It rides the line between arcade and sim very well, and the soundtrack is absolutely outstanding. You get all three of the games in this set, and I’d argue the second game goes toe-to-toe with the first. The third game… well, how about those first two games, eh?
Secret of Mana – Collection of Mana ($39.99)
Square Enix seems to favor remakes with its Switch takes on its Super NES classics, and while those aren’t technically against my rules for these lists I think I’ll go with a purer choice. Secret of Mana can be found in the excellent Collection of Mana alongside the Game Boy original and the Super NES third game in the series. The emulation was handled by M2, so it’s working just as it did back in the day, bugs and all. Secret of Mana is a thoroughly enjoyable action-RPG, despite its many rough edges. You get to save Christmas at the behest of Rudolph! What more do you need? A fluffy dragon you can ride in a Mode 7 overworld map? Well, you get that too!
TMNT IV: Turtles in Time – TMNT: The Cowabunga Collection ($39.99)
The 16-bit generation was the era of beat ’em ups, and Turtles in Time jostles with Streets of Rage 2 for the title of king among the many challengers. It looks almost as good as the arcade game, plays even better, and leans into its time-traveling gimmick in a lot of fun ways. One of the best games on the Super NES full-stop, and I’m glad we’re able to buy it on modern consoles for the time being.
Contra III: The Alien Wars – Contra Anniversary Collection ($19.99)
Lots of Konami here again. It occupies a lot of spots in these lists, but it has earned it. Here’s the third Contra game, and the first to have no roots in the arcades whatsoever. It aims for a more futuristic setting and feel, and in true Konami style it pushes the hardware in a variety of fun ways. Sure, those Mode 7 overhead levels don’t play quite as well as you might like them to, but there’s no denying the style that runs through this entire game.
Super Castlevania IV – Castlevania Anniversary Collection ($19.99)
For some people, this is the best action-based installment in the Castlevania series. I’m not sure I’m fully on-board with that, but this is one heck of a great game. The visuals, sound effects, and music create an incredible vibe, and Simon’s overpowered whip skills make you feel like a real pro. The Super NES would see a lot of great action games, but few of them are as confidently showy as this one. A highly memorable game, and if you’re looking for a somewhat fairer entry point into the series this is one of the better choices.
Zombies Ate My Neighbors – Zombies Ate My Neighbors & Ghoul Patrol ($14.99)
Okay, Konami published this back in the day, but it’s really a Lucasarts title. A really unique one, at that. A stage-based top-down action game with tons of wacky enemies, locations, and tools you can find and use, Zombies Ate My Neighbors offered an experience you couldn’t find anywhere else on the console. Play alone or pull in a friend, especially if you want to make an actual go at beating this tough game.
Aladdin – Disney Classic Games Collection ($29.49)
The debate rages on about which 16-bit console version of Aladdin is better, but the nice thing about the Disney Classic Games Collection is that it doesn’t force you to choose. Both are here, have fun. Since this is a Super NES list, we’re talking about that version of the game. Directed by Shinji Mikami, who later got up to some zombie nonsense, this version of Aladdin can’t match the authentic presentation of the Genesis game, but makes up for it with some excellent Capcom platforming action. A bit of a breezy affair, but that’s not so bad sometimes.
Let’s squeeze a puzzle game in here to finish things out. Call it Bust-A-Move, call it Puzzle Bobble, either way you’re in for a good time. Shoot the bubbles, make the matches, and try to clear the field before you get squashed. A charming presentation and some devilish stage designs make this a hard one to put down. Sure, the sequels have a lot more to offer, but you can have plenty of good times with this version all on its own.
And… 5 Super NES Games We’d Like to See on Switch
Chrono Trigger
I mean, of course. One of the best games on the console, and cited by many as the finest game in the genre. It’s a bit silly that it isn’t on Switch, even if there are probably good reasons for it. Well, this is a wishlist. I don’t care about reasons! I want results! Bring me pictures of Chrono! Er, bring me Chrono Trigger on Switch!
The theme of these picks is going to be licensing issues from here on out, though I have to believe SimCity is somewhat possible. All we need is Electronic Arts and Nintendo to come together to make it happen, and it’s not like it hasn’t happened before. Why don’t we have any SimCity on Switch? Mysterious stuff. Give me this one and I’ll forget about how you parked the IP in the river, EA. For a while, anyway.
The one that got away for North American Super NES owners. Quintet’s run on the Super NES was outstanding, and I’d love to see all of them available to buy again. If I had to pick just one, it’s this one. A very enjoyable action-RPG with a story that will definitely stick with you, wrapped up in a gorgeous package that rivals what Square was doing on the console in a lot of ways. I’m hoping this can one day slip out of the vault it’s currently trapped in, even if that place isn’t on the Switch.
U.N. Squadron
There’s something about U.N. Squadron that tends to click with people who aren’t usually into shoot ’em ups. Maybe it’s the manga/anime-born style. Perhaps it’s the lenience afforded by the life bar. The cool jets? Maybe it’s the cool jets. Whatever the case, it would be amazing to see this game get a reissue. It’s tied up with a license which probably makes things difficult, but I’ll keep my fingers crossed that Capcom makes it happen someday.
Spider-Man & Venom: Maximum Carnage
The author’s bias on full display here, wow. Maximum Carnage? That iffy beat ’em up based on the comic event where Spider-Man defeats Carnage with the literal power of friendship? Yes. I love this game. It is stupid and kind of bad and I love it. I want it, even if I have to put up with it being packaged with Separation Anxiety or something. Get Green Jelly on the phone, patch Marvel into the conference call, find whoever bought the husk of LJN/Acclaim, and get it done.
And that’s the list, friends. Are there any Super NES games you enjoy on the Switch? Any you would like to see? Feel free to sound off down in the comments and let us know what you’re thinking! It’s always interesting to hear the opinions of others on this kind of thing. As always, thanks for reading!
Super Arrow AFK: Skill Combos quickly became a leading title in mobile games shortly after its release in November 2022 and introduced various skills to players. However, players often face the daunting choice of identifying the best skill builds.
In Super Arrow AFK, there are multiple awesome builds; however, we have compiled some suitable Super Arrow Afk Skill Builds for the next time you decide to embark on the RPG. You can also refer to our Super Arrow AFK Guide
Super Arrow Afk Skill Build
In the below builds, if something is outlined in red it means that it is more essential than what is not outlined in red, with the order of importance generally from left to right.
If you are missing a skill inside the red area then the build may not perform as well (or at all in the case of the first quick-clear deck, since all 4 outlined skills are the bare minimum for the combo).
Feel free to experiment with what you find beneficial, especially in the areas outside of the red.
The red outline on the power decks means these subskills are essential that they are placed to that main, with the numbered skills being 1 as the highest listed damage sub-skill you own and 11 being the lowest of the high damage sub-skills.
This first deck is for end-game stage quick-clear (played where you 1-shot all enemies).
There are many variants possible for the main arrow of Radiance, but Radiance has the largest splash area of all bomb-type skills, making it the ideal choice.
Double Shot should only be used on a stage where you 1-shot, otherwise, if you 2-shot then there is no real point in halving your damage for more projectiles and would largely be a wasted slot.
If you are at a priority stage and really want to farm it instead of the one lower, you can remove the double shot and change it to whatever else you like, including EXP increase etc. Ballista can also have a Gold increase added, or HP Absorption if you are getting hit hard.
Drowning Darkness/Raging Wrath are presently bugged, but they will be included in the build when they fix it.
Quick clear decks can be used for Daily Mine — simply run up and down the middle of the map casting Maneuvering Attack, Radiance, and Basic Attack Ballista when available, preferably staggering them out at appropriate distances. If you see the bottom or top edges of the map, turn back around and run the other way. Rinse repeat to 2000-2200 kills per run.
This second deck is for mid-game quick clear.
Again, enemies should all be dying in one 1-shot, and if they are not, then you are farming too high of a stage and need to adjust to a lower one. Spear on High Angle proccing Dark Flame and Ice Shock is superior to attempting the first deck without Rapid Barrage–in short, if you do not have Rapid Barrage, the second will still be able to clear everything around you at a fairly high speed, and faster than a Radiance on Cluster Bomb without Rapid.
Because at this stage in the game you may be lacking sufficient AOE clear, the last line of Radiance is added, but this can also easily be changed to the Ice Arrow line with Drowning Darkness from the first deck if you feel you do not need the extra splash from the Radiance Line, and HP Absorption, if needed, can still be placed on Basic Attack if you’re taking too many hits.
Boss Damage/Promo Build
Because Drowning Darkness is bugged right now and will not affect other skills, the 4-line primary variant will not be shared at this time–since we do not know when it will be fixed. For Promotions, the Initial Attack is to be swapped with the Dark Sub-Skill Focus Shooting.
This is because the Initial Attack buff will work on Dragon since your damage is counted up, but will not work on Promo bosses since their HP goes down–and because Promo has small-size bosses, making Focus Shooting a great addition.
There are other considerations I will not mention here as to some better skill swaps while I wait to hear back from Mobirix on my tickets–first from v1.7.0, and secondly from 1.10.0 for reconfirmation. Depending on what they say, I may be able to update this deck again, both when Drowning is fixed, and when I hear back on a possible issue with some skills and their use.
If you do not have Ancient Magic Circle, Luminous Fall, or Rapid Barrage, these may be exchanged for Fire Smite, Lightning Smite, and Stagger respectively (Dragon requires a source of Weaken to prolong the battle and earn more total DPS, and presently that is awarded Luminous Fall or Stagger), but then the build will no longer be min-maxed and you may see higher yields from moving Flaming Meteor Strike and Icicle Downpour up to Rain of Arrows, and the smites/ults or other persistent AOEs back down to Basic
Mastery Farming Deck Build
Add Element Damage is changed to whatever element you need to farm can be added, and there are plenty of variants. Double Shot can be exchanged for another Add Element DMG type or another persistent AOE like Stagger.
If you lack Legendary or Epic Multi-Projectiles, just add the Magic/Normal variants–we don’t care about damage, we just want consistent arrows falling to keep healing.
Rapid Barrage has a home in the deck or can be used to make a completely separate mastery farming deck where it’s put on High Angle and Ice Vortex instead, with Auto Ballista being on Lifesteal Arrow instead, but most players will not have access to that since masteries are finished to 999 early and in a few days.
The general idea is to use Ice Vortex and Burn to trigger lines, and Add Element DMG to apply elemental mastery gains to those lines. Make yourself as weak as possible when doing this–lowest rarity Quiver, change to all HP/Evade pet pages, etc.
Make yourself so weak that you can’t really kill the enemies, or so that it takes a while to kill them. Depending on your device, you may want to kill them within 20 seconds or so if you find yourself crashing.
Physical Mastery Farming Build
Same strategy–make yourself as weak as possible by equipping a low-level quiver, changing to a Pet Engraving page on all pets for HP etc., and find the stage where you can’t kill the enemies too quickly depending on your device.
A track may be added in place of Gut Buster if your penetration rates from your Arrow Equipment are adequate enough.
Super Arrow Afk Skill Build Late Game
200 mine kills550 treasure kills (depending on ACU)Useful for 4P Raid
If masteries are still needed:Swap Killshot for Add Damage (Lowest Mastery)Swap Explosion for Add Damage (2nd Lowest Mastery)Only swap in stage farming as losing these skills will impact dungeon efficiency.
Barriers are solely there for auto-queue 4P Raids and potentially having a full raid party. Love playing RPG game> make sure to visit our Valiant Force 2 Guide
It’s time to mana-fest the spirit of adventure with Square Enix’s highly anticipated action role-playing game, Visions of Mana, launching today in the cloud.
Members can also head to a galaxy far, far away, from the comfort of their homes, with the power of the cloud and Ubisoft’s Star Wars Outlaws, with early access available on GeForce NOW.
Plus, be among the first to get early access to the Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Open Beta on GeForce NOW without having to wait around for downloads — early access runs Aug. 30-Sept. 4 for those who preorder the game. Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 will join the cloud when the full game is released Oct. 25.
These triple-A titles are part of 26 titles joining the GeForce NOW library of over 2,000 games this week.
Cloudy With a Chance of Mana
Visions of Mana details a whimsical journey through the enchanting world of Mana. Step into the shoes of Val, a curious young man on an epic quest to escort his childhood friend Hina to the sacred Tree of Mana. Along the way, encounter a colorful cast of characters and face off against endearing yet formidable enemies.
Get ready for mana madness in the cloud.
The game’s combat system blends action and strategy for real-time battles where party members can be switched on the fly. Different party members offer unique skills, such as Val’s powerful sword strikes or magical spells cast by Careena’s dragon companion Ramcoh. Plus, traverse the game’s expansive, semi-open world on Pikuls — adorable, rideable creatures that can also ram through enemies.
Stream the game on an Ultimate or Priority membership for a seamless magical adventure. Experience the lush landscapes and dynamic combat in stunning detail — at up to 4K resolution and 120 frames per second for Ultimate members. GeForce NOW makes it easy to stay connected to the world of Mana whether at home or on the go, ensuring the journey to the Tree of Mana is always within reach.
Join the Galaxy’s Most Wanted
Make your own destiny in the cloud.
In Star Wars Outlaws — the highly anticipated single-player action-adventure game from Ubisoft — explore the depths of the galaxy’s underworld as part of the beloved Star Wars franchise’s first-ever open-world game, set between the events of The Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi.
Step into the shoes of Kay Vess, a daring scoundrel seeking freedom and adventure. Navigate distinct locations across the galaxy — both iconic and new — and encounter bustling cities, cantinas and sprawling outdoor landscapes. Fight, steal and outwit others while joining the ranks of the galaxy’s most wanted. Plus, play alongside Nix, a loyal companion who helps turn any situation to Kay’s advantage through blaster combat, stealth and clever distractions.
Get ready for high-stakes missions, space dogfights and an ever-changing reputation based on player choices. Unlock the power of the Force with a GeForce NOW Ultimate membership and stream from GeForce RTX 4080 SuperPODs at up to 4K resolution at 120 fps, without the need for upgraded hardware. The AI-powered graphics of NVIDIA DLSS 3.5 with Ray Reconstruction enhance the game for maximum performance, offering the clarity of a Jedi’s vision, and NVIDIA Reflex technology enables unbeatable responsiveness.
Answering the Call
Get ready for the anticipated addition to the Call of Duty franchise — Call of Duty: Black Ops 6. GeForce NOW will support the title’s PC Game Pass, and Steam versions in the cloud.
Explore a range of new features, including innovative mechanics such as Omnimovement, which allows players to sprint, slide and dive in any direction to enhance the fluidity of combat. The Black Ops 6 Campaign features a spy action thriller set in the early 90s, a period of transition and upheaval in global politics, characterized by the end of the Cold War and the rise of the United States. With a mind-bending narrative and unbound by the rules of engagement, the title embodies signature Black Ops.
Experience the new gameplay mechanics and features before the title’s official launch with early access to the preorder beta from Aug. 30-Sept. 4 — available for those who preorder the game or have an active PC Game Pass subscription. The Open Beta follows soon after on Sept. 6-9 and will be available for all gamers to hop into the action, even without preordering the game.
GeForce NOW Ultimate members can gain an advantage on the field with ultra low-latency gaming, streaming from GeForce RTX 4080 SuperPODs in the cloud.
WOW, New Games
Join the underground party from the cloud.
The newest World of Warcraft expansion, The War Within, is available to play from the cloud today. Head to the subterranean realm of Khaz Algar, featuring four new zones, including the Isle of Dorn — home to the Earthen, a newly playable allied race. Experience game additions such as Delves, bite-sized world instances for solo or small-group play, and Warbands, which allow players to manage and share achievements across multiple characters.
In addition, GeForce NOW recently added support for over 25 of the top AddOns from CurseForge, a leading platform for WoW customization, enabling members to explore new adventures under the surface from the cloud.
In addition, members can look for the following:
Endzone 2 (New release on Steam, Aug. 26)
Age of Mythology: Retold (New release on Steam, Xbox, available on PC Game Pass, Advanced Access on Aug. 27)
Core Keeper (New release on Xbox, available on PC Game Pass, Aug. 27)
Star Wars Outlaws (New release on Ubisoft Connect, early access Aug. 27)
Akimbot (New release on Steam, Aug. 29)
Gori: Cuddly Carnage (New release on Steam, Aug. 29)
MEMORIAPOLIS (New release on Steam, Aug. 29)
Visions of Mana (New release on Steam, Aug. 29)
Avatar: Frontiers of Pandora (Steam)
Cat Quest III (Steam)
Cooking Simulator (Xbox, available on PC Game Pass)
Crown Trick (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Darksiders Genesis (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Expeditions: Rome (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Heading Out (Steam)
Into the Breach (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Iron Harvest (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
The Knight Witch (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Lightyear Frontier (Xbox, available on PC Game Pass)
Metro Exodus Enhanced Edition (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Outlast 2 (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
Saturnalia (Steam)
SteamWorld Heist II (Steam, Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
This War of Mine (Xbox, available on PC Game Pass)
We Were Here Too (Steam)
Yoku’s Island Express (Xbox, available on Microsoft Store)
What are you planning to play this weekend? Let us know on X or in the comments below.
Ready for a new adventure? What sort of magical quest would you want to go on? 🌳✨
— 🌩️ NVIDIA GeForce NOW (@NVIDIAGFN) August 28, 2024
Yes, Microsoft Mesh finally made it to the M365 Roadmap. It’s entries are listed there under Microsoft Teams. So, let’s jump to see what’s in there. To see the live situation, use this URL to jump directly to the Mesh roadmap. There are some pretty big items in the list, that will help to utilize Mesh more and better.
The first one to catch the eye, is the support for Microsoft Whiteboard. This will enable us to collaborate with our whiteboard in Mesh events and very likely in Teams Immersive Spaces as well. It will work on both PC and on Meta Quest devices And it comes also with Whiteboard Copilot! We should be able to get our hands on this at November. Perhaps there is a bit of Ignite -scent in this timing?
The other items in the roadmap have been set to October, so we should have these available during the Ignite time as well. 🤔
I want to raise the first one (just recently added!) that is the Microsoft Mesh app on PC will support guests in Mesh events! This is big, as this expands Mesh from a single organization to wider audience. It will be possible to invite people outside from their organization to join Mesh events. And they can participate fully: join events, engage in discussions, and overall experience the event just like organization’s internal attendees. What’s going to come later is support for guests using Mesh app in Meta Quest devices and also the support for anonymous participants! This means we will have anonymous participants in Mesh events.. which means we can create all new kinds of experiences – from parties to B2B and B2C scenarios with Microsoft Mesh.
What makes the Whiteboard cooler, is that we will be able to use it with Meta Quest 2, 3 and Pro without using our controllers. Mesh is getting hand interactions support – I have been waiting for this one a long time! Whiteboarding will be fun, as we don’t have to use controllers! Don’t worry, you can continue to use controllers and switch between hands and controllers as you need. And of course this has major impact on what you can do in Mesh experiences and interact with objects.
Microsoft Teams Chat support is an another great feature on the list. It will gives us the ability to communicate with all participants, across all rooms, within a Mesh event . It will be possible to chat from Teams desktop directly to Mesh events and vice versa. And of course attendees in Mesh can chat too (with both PC and Meta Quest devices). And in multi-room events, this chat includes all rooms.
We will be also getting a new environment The Project Studio, that we can use in Teams Immersive Spaces and also on Mesh events. It looks like it will be a interesting, space that has been designed for synchronous teamwork and productivity for small groups to collaborate on content and use whiteboards and other tools together Yes, Whiteboard will be embedded in the space! 🤘 And thinking that, how this space can be out October if the Whiteboard support is coming out November.. 🤔 My hunch is, that these will come out quite close to each other, instead of separately.
Whiteboard is really quite essential tool for people to work together in 3D spaces, so I am happy that we will see it in a few months.
And then there are Audio Zones, that Mesh developers can implement to spaces. These spaces can define how sound and audio is traveling to and from the space. It makes possible to create areas where you can talk with each other, without others hearing you, even if they stand just outside the audio zone limit. And vice versa, you can create an area where there isn’t any surrounding noise to make a quiet space in the middle of party to allow conversations. And I would not be surprised, if it would be possible to select between on and off levels how audio can pass through the zone limit.
Then there is one more feature: host and attendee interaction visibility. It is quite close to what Multi-Room User Visualization in the Mesh What’s new does, but it expands the visualization also to attendees, not just hosts. Multi-Room User Visualization just came out, but at the moment is limited to hosts only. We need to wait until they finalize this roadmap item and roll it out October. Multi-Room User visualization is allowing hosts to see attendees who have raised their hand. Additionally, hosts can now see emojis that attendees use in other rooms.
Here are the roadmap items, in a table. You can see the the live situation (if and when updates happen) in M365 Roadmap.
FeatureRollout StartDescriptionMicrosoft Whiteboard can be added to Mesh eventNovember 2024Mesh event participants can now use Microsoft Whiteboard in Mesh 3D environments. This functionality will enable users to collaborate spatially as avatars on a 2D whiteboard present in the virtual space, available on PC and Meta Quest devices. Mesh event attendees can use inking, annotation, and other built-in tools to brainstorm, plan, and share with others on a digital canvas in real time. Copilot integration with Whiteboard helps suggest and organize ideas directly on your canvas while in Mesh.Microsoft Mesh app on PC supports guest access for eventsOctober 2024Attendees can now join Mesh events as a guest in the Microsoft Mesh app on PC. Event organizers can invite guest users outside their organization, providing an opportunity for broader collaboration and networking in Mesh events. Guests can sign in to Mesh app to join events, participate in discussions, and experience the same interactive features as internal users, all while maintaining secure access control. Guest access for events in the Mesh app on Quest and support for anonymous participants will be supported in a future update.Audio zones enable Mesh creators to craft custom audio experiencesOctober 2024Spatial audio in Mesh provides a realistic recreation of how sound moves in the real world, with the volume of people speaking or media playing getting lower of as you move away from the source of the sound. The introduction of audio zones enables creators to craft custom audio experiences for the intended use of a space with features such as extended audio drop off distances for conversations that happen in a large area, or restricting what audio can enter a given area, to allow smaller groups to have lively conversations without disrupting their neighbors.Host and attendee interaction visibility for multi-room Mesh eventsOctober 2024Mesh event attendees can now see raised hands and reactions from attendees in other rooms during large, multi-room Mesh events. This creates a greater sense of audience feedback as a whole across all rooms in a Mesh event and increases total audience engagement.Teams chat support in Mesh eventsOctober 2024Participants in Mesh events on PC and Mac can use Teams chat to communicate with all participants, across all rooms, within a Mesh event. Users can do this in the Microsoft Mesh PC app, the Mesh app in Teams, as well as in the chat message list of the Teams app.Microsoft Mesh app on Meta Quest headsets supports hand interactionsOctober 2024Microsoft Mesh app users on Meta Quest 2, 3, and Pro headsets can now use their hands to use the app, move around in event environments, and interact with objects. Motion controllers continue to be supported, and users can switch between using controllers or their hands while using the app.New collaborative Project Studio environment in Microsoft MeshOctober 2024The Project Studio environment is a new space for immersive meetings and Mesh events. This space has been designed for synchronous teamwork and productivity for small groups to collaborate on content and use whiteboards and other tools together in the virtual environment.
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Aiheeseen liittyy
Published by Vesa Nopanen
Vesa “Vesku” Nopanen, Principal Consultant and Microsoft MVP (M365 and AI Platform) working on Future Work at Sulava.
I work, blog and speak about Future Work : AI, Microsoft 365, Copilot, Microsoft Mesh, Metaverse, and other services & platforms in the cloud connecting digital and physical and people together.
I have about 30 years of experience in IT business on multiple industries, domains, and roles.
View all posts by Vesa Nopanen
A Bitcoin layer 2 is any offchain network, system, or technology built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain to help extend its capabilities.
Since its inception in 2008, Bitcoin has become the focal point of the verifiable web as the first decentralized cryptocurrency, remaining the largest one by market capitalization. However, Bitcoin’s growth has faced challenges due to the network’s limited scalability, often resulting in high transaction fees and network congestion.
The recent introduction of ordinals, BRC-20 tokens, and other Bitcoin-native onchain applications has further exacerbated these issues, where—especially during peak times—Bitcoin can become impractical for everyday use. These ongoing scalability challenges highlight the immediate need for Bitcoin scaling solutions such as layer-2 networks.
In this post, we discuss what Bitcoin layer 2s are, how they work, and how they can benefit from industry-standard oracle services.
How Do Bitcoin Layer 2s Work?
The Bitcoin network takes about 10 minutes to finalize a single block of transactions—only seven transactions per second (TPS) on average. Scaling the Bitcoin blockchain directly isn’t an option, as it would require compromising either security or decentralization per the blockchain scalability trilemma.
The blockchain scalability trilemma posits that a tradeoff has to be made when attempting to maximize scalability, security, and decentralization.
It’s worth noting that the limited core functionality (i.e., a global, censorship-resistant decentralized currency) helps make the Bitcoin network so tamper-proof and robust, and a significant technological breakthrough of the 21st century. However, this narrow focus limits the network’s usability in everyday scenarios and limits developers’ ability to launch new applications on Bitcoin. Enter layer 2s.
A Bitcoin layer 2 is any offchain network, system, or technology built on top of the Bitcoin blockchain that helps extend its capabilities. Layer-2 networks can introduce improvements such as greater transaction throughput, reduced fees, and programmability through smart contracts. A key requirement for a network to be considered a layer 2 is that it must inherit the security of the blockchain it is built on—in this case, Bitcoin. In the case of Bitcoin layer 2s, this means that transaction data is verified and confirmed by the Bitcoin blockchain rather than a separate set of nodes.
Layer-2 networks can vary considerably in how they achieve this increased scalability, but a common denominator between layer-2 environments is that when looking to settle on the base chain, they must provide some kind of cryptographic proof to the blockchain on the integrity of the proposed state change, either preemptively or retroactively.
If you’d like a deep dive into how layer 2s work, read What Is Layer 2?.
Types of Bitcoin Layer 2s
There are several types of Bitcoin scalability solutions that can be categorized as layer 2s, though some exist in a gray area regarding their classification as true layer-2 solutions. Note that Bitcoin scalability is an ongoing area of research, and new solutions and technologies may emerge in the future to address some of the limitations of current Bitcoin layer-2 technologies.
State Channels
State channels enable users to bypass high transaction fees by moving transactions offchain, where two parties lock a certain amount of bitcoin into a multisig to send and receive payments. These channels then maintain records of all transactions that occur within them until they are closed. When the parties are done transacting, they sign and broadcast the final state of the channel to the Bitcoin blockchain.
State channels keep all transactions within them offchain, only reporting the opening and closing balance of participants to the Bitcoin network. This allows participants to make transactions without having to pay Bitcoin mainnet fees for each transaction.
State channels are similar to payment channels in the Bitcoin Lightning Network, but they also support more complex transactions other than micropayments.
State and payment channels enable users to move transactions offchain.
A sidechain is an independent blockchain with its own consensus mechanism that connects to Bitcoin via a two-way peg, allowing the transfer of assets or balances between the two chains. While sidechains often use bitcoin as their native currency, they can also issue their own native tokens.
Operating as separate blockchains, sidechains offer faster transactions and additional features like smart contracts. Because sidechains have their own validator set, they are not always considered true layer-2 solutions, as transactions aren’t necessarily ultimately verified by the Bitcoin network. However, some sidechains may tap into Bitcoin’s security or periodically settle on the main chain.
Bitcoin layer-2 rollups move transaction execution and data off the main Bitcoin blockchain to a separate rollup chain or layer while still anchoring to Bitcoin for data availability and consensus.
Rollup technology involves executing transactions on the rollup chain, compressing data, and anchoring to the Bitcoin mainnet. Users submit transactions to be executed on the rollup chain rather than directly on the Bitcoin blockchain. The rollup chain then processes these transactions and updates account balances accordingly.
After processing a batch of transactions offchain, the rollup compresses the transaction data into a compact cryptographic proof or commitment, representing the net effect of all those transactions. This compressed proof is periodically submitted to the Bitcoin blockchain as a single transaction, and some kind of verification mechanism on Bitcoin then validates and applies the changes represented by the rollup proof.
Rollups bundle transactions into batches that are executed offchain and verified onchain using some kind of proof.
Benefits of Bitcoin Layer 2s
Bitcoin layer 2s offer several benefits:
Greater scalability—Bitcoin layer 2s effectively increase the transaction throughput and speed of Bitcoin by processing transactions offchain and then settling them on the main chain, depending on the solution.
Reduced fees—Bitcoin layer 2s enable lower transaction costs, unlocking use cases secured by Bitcoin that wouldn’t be feasible on the main Bitcoin network, such as micropayments.
Programmable smart contracts—Although Bitcoin was not initially designed to support smart contracts, layer-2 solutions can introduce this functionality, enabling the creation of complex decentralized applications and novel programmable financial instruments built on Bitcoin.
Deeper liquidity—Bitcoin layer 2s can improve liquidity and access to Bitcoin, unlocking DeFi on Bitcoin with enhanced liquidity, capital efficiency, and increased access.
Bitcoin Layer 2 vs. Ethereum Layer 2
The utility of layer-2 solutions lies in how they tap into the security of the main chain while increasing its scalability. In this way, Bitcoin and Ethereum layer 2s are quite similar—both seek to introduce enhanced scalability without making changes to the base layer. However, Bitcoin and Ethereum layer 2s differ significantly in their technical implementation, as Bitcoin and Ethereum themselves are designed for distinct purposes.
Accelerating Bitcoin Layer 2 Adoption
State channels, sidechains, rollups, and other layer-2 solutions are all methods of approaching the blockchain scalability problem in different ways—supporting both the growing adoption of onchain applications and enhanced use cases and user experiences.
The Chainlink platform has underpinned the DeFi ecosystem since its inception, fulfilling the need for high-quality data, compute, and interoperability services that help developers create fully-fledged decentralized applications. In many cases, integrating Chainlink has helped layer-1 and layer-2 ecosystems bootstrap their growth with battle-tested Chainlink infrastructure, attracting both new developers and users. With the emerging ecosystem of Bitcoin layer-2 scalability solutions, the need for high-quality data and other oracle services will also grow in the Bitcoin ecosystem.
Ecosystems that integrate high-quality Chainlnik services are better equipped to help bootstrap their ecosystem.
A significant advantage of adopting the Chainlink platform is that once an app uses a single Chainlink service, there are little-to-no additional trust assumptions for using other Chainlink services since they are all built upon the same time-tested oracle infrastructure. And every new service built on top of Chainlink adds more value for all existing users. This is why blockchains are increasingly joining the Chainlink Scale program as a way to accelerate the growth of their application ecosystem. An integration with Chainlink can bring multiple services to a single blockchain and subsequently drive a surge in developer activity.
To learn more about Chainlink, visit, subscribe to the Chainlink newsletter, and follow Chainlink on Twitter, YouTube, and Reddit.
Account abstraction is an innovative concept in blockchain that seeks to unify and enhance the functionality of user accounts within a decentralized system. In the Ethereum network, two types of accounts currently exist:
Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs): Controlled by private keys and usually belonging to individuals or entities. Contract Accounts: Smart contracts that are executed based on specific logic written in their code.
Account abstraction seeks to unify the two types of Ethereum accounts—EOAs (Externally Owned Accounts) and smart contract accounts—into a single, more user-friendly model. This is done by allowing smart contracts to initiate and validate transactions.
In simple terms, this means that instead of relying solely on private keys (like with EOAs), smart contracts can now manage and execute transactions on behalf of users, offering greater flexibility and enabling new features such as customizable security models, automated and gasless transactions, meta-transactions, and enhanced privacy. These innovations simplify user interactions and expand the possibilities within the Ethereum ecosystem.
What are the problems we are facing? Why do we need it?
The Ethereum network’s current structure faces some limitations:
User Experience: EOAs require private keys and gas fees in Ether, creating friction for new users who may find wallet security and gas concepts complex.
Security Risks: The binary nature of private keys makes them susceptible to loss or theft, leading to irrevocable loss of funds.
Limited Features: EOAs lack programmability, preventing the implementation of advanced features like multi-signature wallets or daily transaction limits.
Account abstraction aims to address these issues, improving the network’s usability, security, and functionality.
Approaches to Implement Account Abstraction: Pros and Cons
1. Protocol-Level Changes
Involves changing the Ethereum protocol to enable native smart contract wallets. This approach demands consensus across the entire Ethereum network.
Pros: Fully integrated and standardized solution, potentially highly efficient.
Cons: Slow adoption, requires hard forks, and poses compatibility issues.
2. Layer 2 Solutions
Layer 2 networks can implement custom transaction validation logic while offloading transaction processing.
Pros: Fast and flexible, allowing experimentation without altering the main Ethereum protocol.
Cons: Requires complex bridging and may not fully resolve core issues with EOAs.
3. ERC-4337 (Ethereum Request for Comments)
Proposes an account abstraction implementation entirely at the application level without requiring protocol changes.
Pros: Backward-compatible, flexible, and leverages existing infrastructure.
Cons: Requires an additional bundler infrastructure and new transaction flow.
What Is ERC-4337 and Why Is It the Best Implementation?
ERC-4337 introduces a new model for handling transactions, known as UserOperation objects. Instead of sending transactions directly to the Ethereum blockchain, users sign UserOperation objects that bundlers aggregate and submit to the blockchain. This system allows smart contract wallets to securely initiate transactions without depending on the existing transaction flow.
Programmability: Allows developers to implement custom validation logic, enabling features like social recovery and multi-signature wallets.
Reduced Costs: Bundling transactions can lead to optimized gas usage.
Backward Compatibility: Can operate alongside EOAs, offering a seamless transition.
Specs, Details and Architecture of ERC-4337
1. User:
Off-chain: Creates and signs a UserOperation, which contains the transaction data.
2. UserOperations:
Off-chain: Represents the transaction data, similar to the structure of a regular transaction.
3. Bundler:
Off-chain: Collects multiple UserOperations. On-chain: Packages them into a batch transaction and submits it to the EntryPoint contract.
4. EntryPoint Contract:
On-chain: Manages the execution of UserOperations and ensures consistency across the transactions.
5. Paymaster:
On-chain: Can sponsor transaction fees by paying for gas on behalf of users.
A user creates a UserOperation off-chain and then signs it. The bundler collects UserOperations from different users and submits them to the EntryPoint contract. The EntryPoint contract verifies and executes each UserOperation, deducting gas fees appropriately.
What Are Bundlers in Detail?
Bundlers are specialized actors in the ERC-4337 architecture. Their responsibilities include:
Aggregation: Collects multiple UserOperations and aggregates them into a single batch transaction.
Submission: Sends the aggregated transaction to the EntryPoint contract for execution.
Fee Collection: Takes care of gas fees by deducting them from UserOperations or through external sponsorship mechanisms.
Eth Infinitism Bundler
Eth Infinitism is a reference implementation of a bundler designed to work with the ERC-4337 account abstraction standard. It provides developers with a tool to bundle transactions in a production-ready environment.
4. Now we will deploy contracts that came with bundler using hardhat – yarn hardhat-deploy –network localhost
5. We will start the bundler –
yarn run bundler (or yarn run bundler –unsafe, if working with “hardhat node”)
Now your bundler is active on local url http://localhost:3000/rpc
6. To run a simple test, do – yarn run runop –deployFactory –networkhttp://localhost:8545/ –entryPoint 0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032
The runop script:
deploys a wallet deployer (if not already there)
creates a random signer (owner for wallet)
determines the wallet address, and funds it
sends a transaction (which also creates the wallet)
sends another transaction, on this existing wallet
(uses account[0] or mnemonic file for funding, and creating deployer if needed)
In this article, we delved into the concept of account abstraction in Ethereum, an innovative approach designed to enhance blockchain functionality by merging externally owned accounts (EOAs) with contract accounts. We examined the limitations of the current Ethereum account model, explored various implementation strategies including the prominent ERC-4337 standard, and discussed the significant roles of bundlers like the Eth Infinitism Bundler in optimizing transaction processes.
This exploration provided a comprehensive understanding of how account abstraction can facilitate more secure, user-friendly, and programmable interactions within the Ethereum ecosystem, alongside practical insights on implementing these concepts using Eth-Infinitism bundler with Geth.
Account abstraction is an innovative concept in blockchain that seeks to unify and enhance the functionality of user accounts within a decentralized system. In the Ethereum network, two types of accounts currently exist:
Externally Owned Accounts (EOAs): Controlled by private keys and usually belonging to individuals or entities.Contract Accounts: Smart contracts that are executed based on specific logic written in their code.
Account abstraction seeks to unify the two types of Ethereum accounts—EOAs (Externally Owned Accounts) and smart contract accounts—into a single, more user-friendly model. This is done by allowing smart contracts to initiate and validate transactions.
In simple terms, this means that instead of relying solely on private keys (like with EOAs), smart contracts can now manage and execute transactions on behalf of users, offering greater flexibility and enabling new features such as customizable security models, automated and gasless transactions, meta-transactions, and enhanced privacy. These innovations simplify user interactions and expand the possibilities within the Ethereum ecosystem.
What are the problems we are facing? Why do we need it?
The Ethereum network’s current structure faces some limitations:
User Experience: EOAs require private keys and gas fees in Ether, creating friction for new users who may find wallet security and gas concepts complex.Security Risks: The binary nature of private keys makes them susceptible to loss or theft, leading to irrevocable loss of funds.Limited Features: EOAs lack programmability, preventing the implementation of advanced features like multi-signature wallets or daily transaction limits.
Account abstraction aims to address these issues, improving the network’s usability, security, and functionality.
Approaches to Implement Account Abstraction: Pros and Cons
1. Protocol-Level Changes
Involves changing the Ethereum protocol to enable native smart contract wallets. This approach demands consensus across the entire Ethereum network.
Pros: Fully integrated and standardized solution, potentially highly efficient.Cons: Slow adoption, requires hard forks, and poses compatibility issues.
2. Layer 2 Solutions
Layer 2 networks can implement custom transaction validation logic while offloading transaction processing.
Pros: Fast and flexible, allowing experimentation without altering the main Ethereum protocol.Cons: Requires complex bridging and may not fully resolve core issues with EOAs.
Proposes an account abstraction implementation entirely at the application level without requiring protocol changes.
Pros: Backward-compatible, flexible, and leverages existing infrastructure.Cons: Requires an additional bundler infrastructure and new transaction flow.
What Is ERC-4337 and Why Is It the Best Implementation?
ERC-4337 introduces a new model for handling transactions, known as UserOperation objects. Instead of sending transactions directly to the Ethereum blockchain, users sign UserOperation objects that bundlers aggregate and submit to the blockchain. This system allows smart contract wallets to securely initiate transactions without depending on the existing transaction flow.
Programmability: Allows developers to implement custom validation logic, enabling features like social recovery and multi-signature wallets.Reduced Costs: Bundling transactions can lead to optimized gas usage.Backward Compatibility: Can operate alongside EOAs, offering a seamless transition.
Specs, Details and Architecture of ERC-4337
1. User:
Off-chain: Creates and signs a UserOperation, which contains the transaction data.
2. UserOperations:
Off-chain: Represents the transaction data, similar to the structure of a regular transaction.
3. Bundler:
Off-chain: Collects multiple UserOperations.On-chain: Packages them into a batch transaction and submits it to the EntryPoint contract.
4. EntryPoint Contract:
On-chain: Manages the execution of UserOperations and ensures consistency across the transactions.
5. Paymaster:
On-chain: Can sponsor transaction fees by paying for gas on behalf of users.
A user creates a UserOperation off-chain and then signs it.The bundler collects UserOperations from different users and submits them to the EntryPoint contract.The EntryPoint contract verifies and executes each UserOperation, deducting gas fees appropriately.
What Are Bundlers in Detail?
Bundlers are specialized actors in the ERC-4337 architecture. Their responsibilities include:
Aggregation: Collects multiple UserOperations and aggregates them into a single batch transaction.Submission: Sends the aggregated transaction to the EntryPoint contract for execution.Fee Collection: Takes care of gas fees by deducting them from UserOperations or through external sponsorship mechanisms.
Eth Infinitism Bundler
Eth Infinitism is a reference implementation of a bundler designed to work with the ERC-4337 account abstraction standard. It provides developers with a tool to bundle transactions in a production-ready environment.
4. Now we will deploy contracts that came with bundler using hardhat -yarn hardhat-deploy –network localhost
5. We will start the bundler –
yarn run bundler (or yarn run bundler –unsafe, if working with “hardhat node”)
Now your bundler is active on local url http://localhost:3000/rpc
6. To run a simple test, do – yarn run runop –deployFactory –networkhttp://localhost:8545/ –entryPoint 0x0000000071727De22E5E9d8BAf0edAc6f37da032
The runop script:
deploys a wallet deployer (if not already there)creates a random signer (owner for wallet)determines the wallet address, and funds itsends a transaction (which also creates the wallet)sends another transaction, on this existing wallet(uses account[0] or mnemonic file for funding, and creating deployer if needed)
In this article, we delved into the concept of account abstraction in Ethereum, an innovative approach designed to enhance blockchain functionality by merging externally owned accounts (EOAs) with contract accounts. We examined the limitations of the current Ethereum account model, explored various implementation strategies including the prominent ERC-4337 standard, and discussed the significant roles of bundlers like the Eth Infinitism Bundler in optimizing transaction processes.
This exploration provided a comprehensive understanding of how account abstraction can facilitate more secure, user-friendly, and programmable interactions within the Ethereum ecosystem, alongside practical insights on implementing these concepts using Eth-Infinitism bundler with Geth.
The tech community is buzzing over Meta’s recent cancellation of a next-gen mixed-reality headset. Was this a necessary move for a swiftly changing market that has yet to establish a viable product, or was it a strategic error that forfeits a chance to compete with Apple’s Vision Pro? The answer appears to be a bit of both as Meta seeks the sweet spot between innovation and market demand.
Meta’s mixed-reality headset will no longer be developed. CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other executives reached this decision after the product review meeting, during which they threw the headset under the bus. Once considered a top contender and a direct competitor to Apple’s Vision Pro, the device’s development was clearly no longer tenable—hence, the decision to stop working on it.
The cancellation of the next-generation Reality Labs headset can mainly be attributed to the high costs associated with advanced OLED display technology. Reality Labs has been a big area of focus for parent company Meta, but the division’s ambitious vision for AR/VR has come at a staggering cost, resulting in billions of dollars in losses.
Zuckerberg is undeterred, though. He continues to believe that the AR/VR field will amount to something tangible over the next decade or so. Still, the decision to cancel the headset seems to suggest he is rethinking his approach.
Impact of Apple’s Vision Pro
Initially seen as a game changing device, Apple’s Vision Pro headset has had trouble catching on. Sales have been disappointing, to the point that we could say the product has not yet found its market. Meta may well have looked to Apple’s struggles when second-guessing its own decision to introduce a pricey mixed-reality headset to a consumer base that seems highly doubtful, at present, about the usefulness of such products.
In general, the virtual reality marketplace seems to be in a state of turbulence. Microsoft’s HoloLens has moved toward niche markets with heavy wallets, and Google’s smart glasses failed to catch the public’s attention. Meta, looking at all this, might have decided that now is not the best time to invest in a premium VR headset.
Shift in Market Focus
Meta’s cancellation of the next-generation headset appears to be part of a larger strategic realignment. Instead of going head-to-head with the high-end hardware competitors, Meta seems to be focusing on its software ecosystem. If the company manages to create a compelling environment for users and developers, it will have accomplished something of value that it can then monetize.
In the long run, Meta’s vision could be in forming partnerships and collaborations with other tech firms and start-ups focused on developing affordable AR/VR solutions. If they do that, it might open the door to innovation in areas where Meta could achieve competitive differentiation, like AI integration or improved connectivity between AR/VR devices and smartphones.
From High-End to Consumer-Friendly Options
That said, the projected growth for the worldwide smart glasses market is nothing short of impressive. Estimates call for the sale of 13 million units by 2030, and the average annual growth rate from 2023 to 2030 is expected to be as high as 53.0%. In 2023, the U.S. market for smart glasses reached approximately 432,300 units, and this value is poised to climb.
While high-end items such as Apple’s Vision Pro might keep making the news, the real expansion should come from cheaper, more consumer-friendly products. Meta looks likely to take the lead in this. Its recent foray into the next big thing in computing—mixed-reality (MR) headsets—seems to have the everyday consumer in mind, and not only the well-heeled VR enthusiast.
Future Implications
The premium mixed-reality headset that Meta promised to build and sell has been canceled, and that may indicate a turnaround in strategy—away from high-end hardware that delivers premium mixed-reality experiences and toward making augmented reality/virtual reality (AR/VR) technology more accessible and practical. Despite cancelling the headset, Meta still plans to offer a range of hardware and software solutions for various AR/VR use cases, and its significant investment in this area still gives the company an edge in the office and education markets.
The future of AR/VR may rely less on cutting-edge devices and more on the kind of affordable, everyday products that consumers can easily make use of.
Editor’s note: This article was written with the assistance of AI. Edited and fact-checked by Owen Skelton.
Owen Skelton is an experienced journalist and editor with a passion for delivering insightful and engaging content. As Editor-in-Chief, he leads a talented team of writers and editors to create compelling stories that inform and inspire.
Nothing speaks of luxury and elegance like a necklace—the perfect piece of jewelry for the lady of distinction. Necklaces have always been much more than mere ornaments, they have been precious icons of status, richness, and the ability to show due respect to the finest aspects of life.
They are worn on the necks of queens, celebrities, or other high-profile individuals, and with this comes history, elegance, and power. There are countless most expensive necklace in the world that were made over centuries and millennia, but there are a few rare ones that are unmatched not only in terms of their appearance but also in terms of their value.
This is the story of the most expensive necklaces in the world, which cost as much as it tells about the artistic brilliance enshrined in the piece. Sculpted using only the finest materials, including exquisite stones, these masterpiece necklaces are far more than a mere fashion accessory.
This is a historical masterpiece of human creation, a living art, a showcase of how luxury can be defined with precision and elegance, and a representation of what is possible when talent, determination, and the very best of materials are combined. These necklaces are not just an ornament; it is history, pronunciation, and, more importantly, art, and for that matter, the final epitome of luxury.
In this blog, we are going to discuss the most expensive necklaces in the world and how they are capturing the eyes of individuals from all over the world. Our discussion will cover the necklaces’ rich history.
1. A Heritage in Bloom
The Wallace Chan magic we can call it, This necklace is designed and crafted by a Chinese jeweler Wallace Chan, The necklace is called “A Heritage in Bloom”. It is considered one of the most expensive necklace in the world when it was revealed in front of the entire world.
If we talk about the specification of this necklace it has 11,551 diamonds that weigh a total of 383.4octs, The inspiration behind the design of this necklace comes from Chinese culture itself. The bats and butterflies are featured as the symbolic icons for this necklace.
The story goes back to Hong Kong, where Chow Tai Fook asked Chan to craft and create this famous necklace, Chow Tai Fook is the owner of Cullinan Heritage diamonds. In this piece of jewel, 24 D-colour internally flawless diamonds are cut from 507.55ct rough stone, which also includes the 104ct centerpiece revolved around jade.
There are some amazing things associated with this masterpiece, it took more than 47,000 hours to complete this necklace and it can be styled in 27 different ways. It is the most expensive necklace in the world for a reason.
2. The Blue Belle of Asia
As the name suggests “The Blue Belle of Asia” is considered one of the fabled pieces of sapphires in the world. Due to its rarity, this is the most expensive sapphire in the whole world. In November 2014 it was bought by Christie’s Geneva.
This piece of luxury jewelry went through the process of bidding, in which the initial bid price was 6,650,00 Swiss Francs (approximately $6.9 million), and later on it was bought by an unidentified individual which is not known till now at the final prize of 16,965,000 Swiss Francs ($17,564,156).
There’s an interesting story behind this gem as it was first found in Ratnapura in 1926. Back in those days it was owned by a famous gem dealer called Macan Markar “Colombo”. Macan Markar also started this famous firm called O.L.M. Markar has clients from the British Royal family.
Markar used to consider this sapphire as one of his prized possessions, later on in 973 it was sold to Lord Nuffield who was the founder of famous Morris Motors. These ornaments are very rare and exclusive which makes them so expensive and they cannot be bought just directly. These special stones can only be purchased via auction and the “The Blue Belle of Asia” is ranked as the most esteemed gemstone in the world.
3. L’Incomparable Necklace
Being sold for $55 million, the L’Incomparable Necklace is a still unparalleled piece of jewelry art that can be hardly considered a simple piece of jewelry. This is a splendid necklace that has been developed based on a single concept: the largest internally flawless diamond in the world, which is 407.
The 48-carat gem is popularly referred to as the Incomparable Diamond. It was cut in the Democratic Republic of Congo during the 1980s. The diamond was tipped as worthless when a young girl stumbled on it while sorting through a pile of debris.
In fact, later they came to know it to be a unique and extremely valuable stone without any comparison in size or quality. Mouawad, the luxury jeweler, has designed this necklace, and it is a tremendous combination of innovation and beauty.
The remaining arrangement of petals showcases 90 white diamonds that amount to almost 230 carats and are all set in rose gold in a most unconventional, maddening, and beautiful pattern. The design emphasizes the fact that this is a triangular cut diamond and makes sure that the light reflects off the stone in the most alluring manner.
L’Incomparable Necklace is not only a piece of jewelry but an admiring piece of art that was created by mankind, found in the bowels of Earth, and turns into the symbol of the uppermost chic. It is therefore no exaggeration to speak about this necklace as the true jewel, which is highly appreciated and sought after by collectors all over the world and can be admired from a close distance very rarely.
4. The Heart of the Ocean Diamond Necklace
One more renowned beautiful jewel is the Heart of the Ocean Diamond Necklace, which is estimated at $20 million. This is an extremely beautiful piece of jewelry that is famous for its incredible design and its core gemstone.
The necklace consists of a stunning dark blue diamond, described as being similar to the Hope diamond, that is surrounded by a design of platinum and diamonds. It is not only the beauty of the stone that captivates people on the one hand but also its background and provenience on the other hand.
This version of the necklace was in fact based on the one that was worn by the character of Rose portrayed by actress Kate Winslet in the movie ‘Titanic,’ and it does not surprise that it copies all the features of the motion picture’s legend by its exquisite and utterly unique charm.
The central diamond is 45 impressive carats in weight. It is famous for its size, which is 52 carats, and it shines bright because of its top-quality color, clarity, and cut. In addition to the main diamond on the centerpiece are additional plots made in a subtle network that add to the luster of the necklace and provide an aesthetic rhythm of bright and dark.
The Heart of the Ocean is not only just a jewel; it is an art that is of the highest standards of art and beauty, and the sole sight of this piece was enchanting and awe-inspiring. Apart from the cost of the actual diamonds and the uniqueness of the item, the price includes the craftsmanship of creating an item as a symbol of an era.
5. Hutton-Mdivani Jadeite Necklace
A Jadeite necklace valued at $27 million is owned by the Hutton-Mdivani family. It is a fine image of the exquisite standards and history within the world of high jewelry. This piece is well-known for its Beyond Wonderful jadeite cabochons, jadeite is one of the most prized gemstones in the world due to its scarcity.
There are 27 jadeite beads in the necklace, carefully chosen high-quality jadeites with regard to their color, which is bright green with brilliant luster. These beads are interconnected with each other with no gap, so the design of this piece of jewelry is harmonious, and the real beauty of the jadeite color is revealed.
The necklace is traditionally named after the socialite and philanthropist Barbara Hutton and Princess Himmeh Mdivani, whose additional provenance enhances the value of that piece.
It was taken in by Ruth Seymour Hutton, a widely famous American heiress famous for her extravagant lifestyle and penchant for the finest in everything in the 1930s. This is shaped as a piece of timeless elegance that speaks of its history, this necklace is a work of art to which collectors and admirers of vintage pieces cannot remain indifferent.
The worth of the Hutton-Mdivani Jadeite Necklace extends far deeper than the aesthetic appeal and rarity of the piece; it is in historical importance, paired with the fact that only the most recognizable celebrities have ever been able to wear it.
The jadeite beads that are used have to meet certain criteria as far as color, translucency, and texture are concerned, and each bead is selected with these qualities in mind. This appraisal extensively vindicates the attributes of sheer superb workmanship, finest quality jadeite, and business of legend behind this grand jewel—the necklace.
6. The Red Emperor Necklace
The Red Emperor Necklace costs $10 million, and it has to be one of the most enduring pieces of haute couture jewelry ever made. This piece is most remarkable for the centerpiece—an incredible red diamond, which is even rarer than the blue one.
Weighing approximately 3.02 carats, the red diamond is famous for its rich and strong tone and wonder, which cannot be observed in any other gemstone. The red diamond is located in a necklace made with remarkable detail in combination with diamonds and precious metals that serve to complement the intense color of the central diamond.
The setting of the necklace also features an extra pave of white diamonds that create a ballet of contrast to the visibility of the red diamond. What is produced is, therefore, a piece that also articulates the best characteristics of a red diamond alongside the design brilliance worthy of top-tier jewelry niches.
The Red Emperor Necklace is not just a piece of jewelry worn to convey a sign of wealth but can also be a sign of the type of personality that the owner has and the type of gemstone that the owner loves to wear.
The fact that the Red Emperor Necklace could be valued so highly is due to the fact that red diamonds are one of the rarest and most valuable diamonds in the world. These are rare due to the elaborate work and superior quality workmanship of the necklace, which raises the price significantly.
The Red Emperor Necklace could not be a better illustration of how a single stone is enough to bring life and color to the necklace and turn it into an art piece that collectors would lay down their lives to own.
7. A Diamond and Emerald Necklace by Bulgari
The spectacular and one-of-a-kind necklace is a true masterpiece of Bulgari’s high jewelry collection, and it is estimated to be worth $3 million! This stunner is admired for its creation of an elegant diamond setting augmented with bright and vibrant emerald stones that are characteristic of the Bulgari brand.
This model is adorned with an impressive necklace set, which comes with a multitude of cut diamonds coordinated in a unique manner that first captures attention with the quality and flexibility of the cuts. Accompanying these sparkling diamonds are fine emerald, green stones characterized by high clarity and rich color.
Every emerald is hand-picked because of its shade and clarity; this contrast with the lacelike setting of the surrounding diamonds makes this design unique.
The necklace that is presented is also typical for Bulgari, where the timeless classics are combined with the tendencies of the present days. In the current designs, the use of the four Cs will be done in a manner that will make the emeralds’ setting to be elegant and appealing to the eyes.
The setting of the necklace tends to be of first-class platinum or gold, thus offering a perfect background that enhances the glow of the stones and the tones of colors.
The above Bulgari necklace was valued at $3 million, and they have got it right in terms of the quality of the gemstones, finishing, and the reputation of the Bulgari brand. This piece is a testimony of the volume of elegance that defines fine jewelry pieces, which, while retaining classical feelings, presents a touch of contemporary liberalization.
Its value is a result of the rarity of the emeralds, the brilliance of the diamonds, and the absolutely total professionalism with which Bulgari approached the creation of masterpieces of haute couture jewelry.
8. Leviev’s Diamond Necklace
One of the well-known masterpieces of Leviev’s creation is a diamond necklace that is worth $10 million; it is the embodiment of the jewelry traditions of exquisite taste and refinement. This phenomenal creation is set with a range of the world’s finest diamonds, famous for their fire and clarity.
The necklace features an elaborate setting of diamonds, with each piece of diamond having been expertly placed and cut to give the best glittering and shine. The diamonds are mounted on a precious metal, which may be platinum or white gold, and this serves to complement the cut of the gemstone while providing a backdrop on which to display the luminosity integral to the diamond.
Leviev’s diamond necklace is not just big in terms of size and the number of diamonds, but it is also conceptually superior, more creative, and visually arresting than its rivals. Despite the presence of larger gems, it presents the stones in such a way that one cannot help but appreciate their individual sparkle.
An element that often appears in the design of the necklace is the use of several diamond cuts—round brilliants, marquises, or pears—all the stones are placed next to each other, creating an amazing effect. Such an arrangement is considerate in the sense that the necklace is able to light up from all sides, leading to the brightness and sparkle of the piece.
The $10 million worth price of Leviev’s Diamond Necklace is an indication of the diligence that went into modeling the necklace and the quality of the diamonds that were used to make it.
Leviev is one of the most famous high jewelry companies in the world and is famous for its ability to buy some of the largest and best quality diamonds and cut them into fantastic shapes that really suit the jewelry.
This necklace is so much more than just a jewelry piece; it is the epitome of luxury and craftsmanship, to become a true standout in any collection of luxurious jewelry.
9. Marie Antoinette’s Necklace
Marie Antoinette Necklace also known as the Diamond Necklace Affair is one of the most famous and of course most expensive jewelry items of all times. The necklace as an ornament is perfect and magnificent; it symbolizes the royal taste of the French queen and the crisis of pre-revolutionary France.
Made in the second half of the eighteenth century, the necklace was ordered by the renowned firm of Boehmer and Bassenge. It has a mind-blowing 647 diamonds and is arranged in a masterpiece that is classy to the extreme and yet it has that over-the-top appeal to it.
In the middle of the necklace is a series of diamonds of different shapes and sizes each set in a way that ensures that the light emitted from the diamonds is out of this world.
It is perhaps for that reason that the necklace gained notoriety as a result of the “Affair of the Diamond Necklace,” which involved the French court. The crime was a plan to steal the necklace on the pretext of purchasing it for the Queen and then bringing her to the investing of funds embezzled by the Police. While the queen never participated in it, her name was stained and public unrest that fueled the French Revolution grew.
In the contemporary world, the necklace is valued not only for its craftsmanship, and the quality of diamonds used for its creation but for being a part of the history of human civilization.
It is a symbol of the hedonism of the royal family of France and is a reminder of the materialistic richness of that period. The necklace hence cannot be valued, it is an example of artwork, and the history that it forms part of cannot be quantified.
10. The Christie’s Diamond Necklace
A stunning and breathtaking piece of high jewelry is the Christie’s Diamond Necklace, which is estimated at a wonderful $8,000,000. This stunning creation is well known for the special attention paid to its workmanship and the caliber of diamonds used. The necklace has a range of shaped round brilliant cut diamonds, hand-picked for their ‘fire,’ and set in a pattern that will enhance the flames.
The focus of the Christie’s Diamond Necklace is usually a single big stone or, in best cases, several distinct big diamonds surrounded by a number of stones that enlighten and sparkle magically.
The ‘jewelry design’ as the name implies generally involves a more refined pattern that brings the shine of the diamonds to life, be it in the basic line of formation or an artistic formation. The necklace is made from precious alloys, including platinum or white gold, that give the diamond a classy and elegant background.
This has been valued at $8 million, which we can also see is a result of the scarcity and quality of the pieces as well as the workmanship put into a piece such as this. Christie’s, which specializes in auctions and luxury jewelry, guarantees that each jewelry piece is a perfect example of exquisite class and craftsmanship.
Some other factors that informed the value of the necklace are the possible historical value of the jewelry as well as the value of Christie’s brand. Due to its nature as a unique and extraordinary piece, Christie’s Diamond Necklace is one of the most desired pieces of luxury jewelry by most collectors and lovers of jewelry items.
11. The Blue Moon Necklace
The Blue Moon Necklace, with its eye-watering valuation of $48.4 million, stands as a paragon of opulence and extraordinary craftsmanship in the realm of high jewelry. This breathtaking creation, designed by the prestigious jeweler Mouawad, showcases a stunning 12.03-carat Blue Moon diamond, which is one of the rarest and most sought-after gemstones globally.
The diamond’s captivating deep blue hue, achieved through a natural and exceptionally rare combination of elements, is further accentuated by its cushion cut, a shape that maximizes its brilliance and scintillation.
The meticulous craftsmanship of the necklace extends beyond the central gem, with the diamond being set in a luxurious platinum setting that not only supports but amplifies the stone’s inherent beauty. Surrounding the central Blue Moon diamond is a halo of exquisitely matched smaller diamonds, each carefully selected for their clarity and brilliance, creating a dazzling contrast that highlights the central gem’s striking color.
The necklace’s design is a testament to the mastery and artistry of its creators, blending classic elegance with modern sophistication. Unveiled at a high-profile auction, the Blue Moon Necklace immediately garnered global attention and admiration, not just for its staggering price tag, but for its unparalleled rarity and the exceptional skill involved in its creation.
The necklace is a symbol of the zenith of luxury and exclusivity, representing a singular achievement in the world of fine jewelry and remaining a coveted treasure among collectors and connoisseurs alike.
12. The “Incomparable” Diamond Necklace
The Necklace of “Incomparable” Diamond is one of the main pieces of art of haute joaillerie, which is admired for its loveliness and history. This is a magnificent piece of jewelry characterized by the centerpiece, which is stupendously rare and perfect. It is set with a 48-carat diamond known as the Incomparable Diamond and has a surrounding row of other smaller marquise-cut diamonds.
The necklace is cultured elegant and trendy with an aesthetic architectural design that provides an orderly arrangement of the centerpiece that is the diamond and ensures that the entire structure is in harmony to produce a coherent jewel that is the necklace in question. This particular necklace was crafted in the early part of the twentieth century, although the diamond used in the construction of the necklace was discovered in the Democratic Republic of Congo.
The necklace is a model of the highest class of diamond work and has an exciting and interesting history related to rare stones’ adventurous and prestigious traditions. They know from experience that its value is more than just a financial one, for it is both an example of the earth’s beauty in its natural state as well as the result of centuries of human adaptation and refinement.
In the world of luxury, these incredible necklaces represent the height of elegance and rarity. Each piece, from the dazzling Heritage in Bloom to the stunning Blue Moon Necklace, showcases amazing craftsmanship and precious gemstones. These necklaces are more than just beautiful accessories—they symbolize the ultimate in luxury and timeless style.
The virtual doors of OSFest 2024 have swung open, welcoming creators, builders, merchants, performers, and sponsors to begin crafting their digital spaces. This annual event, hosted on the OpenSim Fest grid, is set to run from October 4 through October 20, 2024, offering a diverse platform for virtual exhibitions, performances, and commerce.
Lisa Laxton
“The grid is open for participants to build or bring in their creations via the hypergrid,” said Lisa Laxton, OSFest director and founder of the Infinite Metaverse Alliance and Laxton Consulting.
Based on the feedback from previous events, OSFest now has a new mainland layout, she told Hypergrid Business. There are also small sponsor parcels available at US$3 each for other grids or region owners looking to increase their visibility in the hypergrid community and promote their grids.
There is also a limited number of free parcels available for exhibitors and merchants, paid for by sponsors.
OSFest is also looking for volunteers to join the OSFest team and help get everything ready for the event, and to help out during the festival itself.
For more information, check out the event’s home page, or the FAQ page.
The festival will feature 110 hours of performer events and 84 hours dedicated to exhibits, stores, and interactive activities. In a nod to the broader virtual community, OSFest has also allocated eight hours for satellite events on other grids, encouraging cross-platform participation.
OSFest 2024. (Image courtesy Lisa Laxton.)
Most of the 110 hours of performer slots are already booked, Laxton said, and merchant sales event times have been scheduled. There are non-music events and activities on the schedule as well, she added.
“Some participants have started or will soon bring in their builds, and the content infrastructure is ongoing with expected updates on the website, calendar, and Discord server,” she said. “This is the fun and exciting time leading up to opening day.”
This year’s festival breaks new ground by eschewing a unifying theme, a decision made through community vote. This approach promises an eclectic mix of exhibits, stores, and performances, reflecting the diverse interests of the virtual world community. Adding to the fresh feel, the grid layout has been completely redesigned, offering new experiences for both returning participants and first-time visitors.
Participants can access the grid via hypergrid using the address:
Organizers are encouraging early setup, with a target completion date set for late September.
OSFest 2024 is Gloebit-enabled, allowing for virtual transactions within the grid.
Various sponsorship levels are available for those wishing to support the event financially.
Hypergrid Business editor and publisher Maria Korolov is a science fiction novelist. During the day, Maria Korolov is an award-winning freelance technology journalist who covers artificial intelligence, cybersecurity and enterprise virtual reality. See her Amazon author page here and follow her on Twitter, Facebook, or LinkedIn, and check out her latest videos on the Maria Korolov YouTube channel. Email her at Her first virtual world novella, Krim Times, made the Amazon best-seller list in its category. Her second novella, The Lost King of Krim, is out now. She is also the publisher of MetaStellar, a new online magazine of speculative fiction.
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