Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 is welcoming its fifth Zombies map with the release of Season 3, and we already know some interesting details about its Main Quest Easter Egg!

Although Treyarch is only just starting to drop hints about what we can expect from Zombies next season, the mysteries of Eddie Richtofen’s Liberty Falls mansion are already beginning to unfold.

The map is currently expected to arrive on April 3, alongside the Season 3 update, so we expect to learn more in the coming weeks.

In the meantime, here’s everything we know about the next Black Ops 6 Zombies map, Shattered Veil, and its Easter Egg Main Quest!

Shattered Veil Main Quest Story

The Shattered Veil Main Quest takes place directly after the events of The Tomb, where the ex-Requiem crew finally unearthed the Sentinel Artifact from its ancient dig site.

Now, with the Sentinel Artifact’s power in hand, we can use its ability to manipulate Prima Materia (AKA the original material of the universe) to rescue Samantha Maxis from the Dark Aether.

Sentinel Artifact in Black Ops 6 Zombies The Tomb Final Cutscene

However, according to S.A.M., the Synaptic Algorithm Module based on Maxis’ likeness, in order to use the artifact, we’ll need to infuse it with elements only obtainable in Liberty Falls.

Our AI companion therefore directs us to bring the relic to the Liberty Falls mansion, which is home to not only S.A.M. but also Richtofen and Project Janus!

According to the in-game screenshots of the Shattered Veil map, we’ll be arriving at the mansion exactly 10 days after the zombie outbreak we witnessed in the Liberty Falls intro cinematic.

Black Ops 6 Next Map Mansion Teaser ImageBlack Ops 6 Next Map Mansion Teaser Image

Therefore, it has also been 10 days since the disappearance of Richtofen, which appeared to be at the hands of S.A.M. itself.

The Order’s Involvement

Somehow, The Order returned. Or at least, that’s what Call of Duty: Zombies fans appear to believe, given that there’s a suspicious portrait of an Order member on the mansion’s walls.

Given that the painting is surrounded by suspicious machinery, we certainly believe there’s more to it than meets the eye.

Liberty Falls Mansion Banquet HallLiberty Falls Mansion Banquet Hall

Back in the Chaos storyline in Black Ops 4 Zombies, The Order was introduced as a fanatical cult led by the High Priest of Chaos, whose goals involve using the Sentinel Artifacts to manipulate Prima Materia to force humanity to evolve.

It’s very possible that The Order still exists at the time of Black Ops 6, seeing as Treyarch decided to bring back the Sentinel Artifact in the Zombies storyline.

The Order High Priest of Chaos Black Ops 4The Order High Priest of Chaos Black Ops 4

But what seems more likely is that Richtofen was simply using The Order’s research, which led him to seek the Artifact for himself.

After all, it seems he’s still haunted by the death of his wife and son, which could explain his desperation to get his hands on the ancient relic.

Shattered Veil’s Boss Fight

We have a few candidates in mind when it comes to the Shattered Veil boss fight. We’ll list them off from least to most likely, ahead of any official confirmation from Treyarch:

3 – The Mansion’s T-Rex

One of our favorite fan theories regarding Shattered Veil is that we’ll be facing off against the T-Rex skeleton in its final boss fight.

The dinosaur appears in the Grand Foyer where it stands menacingly, overlooking the staircases.

Dinosaur Statue in Liberty Falls Mansion Black Ops 6 ZombiesDinosaur Statue in Liberty Falls Mansion Black Ops 6 Zombies

Some Zombies fans believe that this incredible fossil will come to life in the final moments of the Shattered Veil storyline, giving us a spectacular boss fight to contend with.

Evidence for this theory includes the fact that the dinosaur appears to have moved slightly since appearing in the Liberty Falls cinematic – but we think this is simply a tweak made during development.

2 – Eddie Richtofen

The obvious candidate for a final boss in the Shattered Veil Easter Egg Main Quest is Eddie Richtofen, the man whose home we’re entering for the new Zombies map.

Richtofen himself appears to be a little indisposed, after disappearing during the climax of the Liberty Falls intro cinematic, but we could see him showing his face before the Main Quest is complete.

Edward Richtofen Black Ops 6 Zombies Mansion MapEdward Richtofen Black Ops 6 Zombies Mansion Map

After all, this map appears to be tied very heavily to Richtofen, the primary antagonist of Black Ops 6 Zombies, and it wouldn’t make sense for him not to make at least an appearance.

One thing’s for sure though – Eddie isn’t in control of the situation in Liberty Falls right now. Therefore, there’s one candidate that we think is even more likely to be our final boss…

1 – S.A.M.

Ever since S.A.M.’s first appearance in the Liberty Falls introduction, fans have been theorizing that the AI is set to betray us. After all, it certainly appeared menacing when it broke free and attacked Richtofen, causing him to disappear.

On top of the fact that S.A.M. hasn’t mentioned this to the Requiem team, it also has us bringing the Sentinel Artifact directly to it in Liberty Falls.

Mainframe Chamber SAM Liberty Falls Mansion Black Ops 6 ZombiesMainframe Chamber SAM Liberty Falls Mansion Black Ops 6 Zombies

Personally, we think this is a betrayal waiting to happen, as it seems too convenient that the elements we need to power the Artifact can only be found in a town in West Virginia.

It’s likely that this is all a trick by the entity trapped in the Project Janus mansion’s basement, in order to set itself free from the Dark Aether. Could S.A.M.’s true identity be the Forsaken, which was trapped inside a similar ball-shaped prison at the end of Cold War Zombies, or another malicious enemy?

We’ll update this article as soon as more information about the Shattered Veil Main Quest Easter Egg is revealed!

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