
Square Enix partnership may expand to other franchises beyond Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy characters will enter Magic: The Gathering universe in 2025. Potential for more Square Enix collaborations with Magic: The Gathering in the future.

Magic: The Gathering may be embarking on crossovers with more Square Enix franchises than Final Fantasy, as the partnership has the scope to expand to different series owned by the legendary Japanese studio.

2025 will see Final Fantasy characters enter the Magic: The Gathering multiverse, through a Standard-legal set that is poised to be one of the game’s biggest crossovers to date.


Magic: The Gathering x Final Fantasy Sets Already Sold Out & Put On Ebay

Many of the pre-orders for the Magic: The Gathering x Final Fantasy sets are already sold out and up on eBay.

It bears mentioning that the crossover is limited to mainline Final Fantasy games. This means no spin-off titles, like the beloved Final Fantasy Tactics, or games that have crossed over with Final Fantasy in the past, like Dragon Quest.

The door hasn’t closed on more Square Enix collaborations in the future, as Wizards of the Coast franchise VP Rebecca Shepard discussed with Gamespot that fans could see more crossovers in the future.

Square Enix Is Open To More Magic: The Gathering Crossovers

Magic The Gathering FINAL FANTASY 14 Emet-selch

Shepard talked about the current relationship between Wizards of the Coast and Square Enix. “I don’t think there’s ever an end to any partnership. Even if the product is done and we don’t reprint it anymore because the term of the contract expired, we still stay in contact.”

Shepard continued, “So much like any other partnership, we can revisit it like we revisit our own worlds. I’m not confirming something is in the works here, but it’s likely a matter of ‘when,’ not ‘if.'”


D&D’s Next Magic: The Gathering Crossover Is Set In Lorwyn-Shadowmoor

The next Dungeons & Dragons x Magic: The Gathering crossover book takes players to Lorwyn-Shadowmoor.

The big question is – what Square Enix franchises would make for great Magic: The Gathering crossovers? In Japan, that answer would be Dragon Quest, but that series isn’t as big internationally and might not be seen as much of a draw.

While many people would think Kingdom Hearts is the next logical step, the big issue is that it’s co-owned by Disney, which has its own card game that it’s promoting, so it might not be as willing to play ball for a crossover.

Square Enix has a ton of smaller franchises that could step up, but none that would fit as well as Final Fantasy does in Magic: The Gathering.


Magic: The Gathering’s Spider-Man Set Won’t Have Popular Decks

The upcoming Marvel’s Spider-Man x Magic: The Gathering crossover won’t have an incredibly popular deck type.

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