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Like a Dragon: Pirate Yakuza’s opening hours are all about Majima getting his bearings together to set off on his own adventure across the seas.

As you get access to your personal ship with its upgrades, and meet your merry gang of Goro Pirates crew members, you’ll soon learn that managing the latter is crucial to surviving the seas.


Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza: Best Abilities, Ranked

Abilities that reignite the Mad Dog of Shimano’s lost spark.

Your crew members are the building blocks of Goromaru’s firepower and defense. The higher their level, the stronger their stats, and, in turn, the stronger your ship will be in naval combat.

Thus, my guide aims to discuss how you can gather experience for your crew members. Join me as I discuss those optimal farming methods.

Gifting Items & Souvenirs

the gifts for crew members in pirate yakuza

Firstly, the simplest way to provide your crew members with chunks of leveling experience is to offer them various gifts and souvenirs on board the Goromaru.

You can find tons of presents in gift shops in Hawaii and even convenience stores, ranging from dried fruit packs to paintings and even assorted chocolate boxes.

This is certainly not the most optimal way, because at best, these gifts can only provide around 500 to 700 EXP depending on the gift, which is average.

leveling up a crew member

There are merchants at lighthouse checkpoints at sea that sell these gift items. You can actually hoard these in your storage box since they each have an inventory limit, such as bouquets.

Put the gifts in your storage box, and then reset the outer world instance by going below the deck on the Goromaru. This will reset the lighthouse merchant’s inventory so you can keep purchasing these gifts.


Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza: Dragon Kart Guide

It’s-a me, Majima!

Preparing Feasts

selecting crew members for feast

One of the newest additions to the game is the ability to cook various kinds of meals and dishes using different ingredients you find in the world.

There are some particular dishes, such as the Pirate Meal for Ten, which you can cook to host a feast for your crew in the captain’s quarters. There are also a couple of dishes which can raise their morale to help regain their gameplay prowess.

Much like the gift items, you can also buy cooking ingredients from those aforementioned lighthouse merchants, such as fish or bugs.

hosting a feast cutscene in pirate yakuza

These dishes can provide a good amount of crewmate experience, but I strongly recommend these when you need to level up newer crewmates in bulk.

These feast events don’t significantly affect higher-level crew members, so this is a great option for simultaneously leveling multiple brand-new crew members.

The Madlantis Coliseum

Believe it or not, the best way to farm crew member experience in Pirate Yakuza is through the Madlantis Coliseum.

And by that, I specifically mean the Shooter’s Garden bout in the Madlantis Mania section. It has two rounds, and with a solid team of your own, it should take 40 seconds to clear this efficiently.

The exp gained is around 4500, which is perfect for us to min-max most of the crew members. In my tests, a few of my level 10 crew members could instantly gain 5 to 7 levels before they started hitting diminishing returns.

leveling up whole crew in pirate yakuza

The only major downside is that you may need a strong crew to farm it in your initial runs, but once you get a couple of runs in, the levels should pile up steadily.

Also, when you hit min-max levels for a few of your favorite crew members, I strongly advise dumping gifts into them just so you can hit their level cap. But that’s up to you, since they’ll gain experience regardless as long as they’re on your active crew.


Like A Dragon: Pirate Yakuza: Dark Instruments Guide

RGG is making us summon ancient Gods now? Brilliant!

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