Call of Duty: Black Ops 6 Zombies needs to make one small but impactful change to high-round gameplay in Citadelle des Morts.

Black Ops 6 may be about to welcome its fifth map to its already impressive roster, but fans are still calling for a fix to the title’s first post-launch DLC.

Citadelle des Morts is seen by many to be the best Zombies map in recent history, but there is one small issue that tends to really frustrate fans when they get to high rounds.

Citadelle des Morts Needs to Fix Helmet Zombies

Call of Duty Zombies fans are calling on Treyarch to make changes to the unique knight helmet-wearing undead that spawn after Round 10 on Citadelle des Morts.

For those out of the loop, these special enemies will drop Stamps when killed, allowing players to claim each of the four Elemental Sword Wonder Weapons.

Knight Zombie in Black Ops 6 Citadelle des Morts

Usually, when the fourth stamp is obtained in-game, these unique enemies will stop spawning.

However, loading a save file in Citadelle des Morts will cause these knight zombies to begin reappearing, regardless of how many Stamps you’ve collected.

Anyone who saves their game and loads back in at a later date will be flooded with helmet-wearing zombies every subsequent round, with no way to get rid of them.

Why Are Knight Zombies Such an Issue?

At first, it’s not immediately obvious just how much of an issue this can prove to be. After all, the enemies start off as weak as standard undead, only with a completely invulnerable head due to their helmets.

But at higher rounds, the knight zombies will become ‘super-sprinters,’ charging at the player at top speed. What’s more, they seemingly start to take more punishment to kill than standard enemies, and cannot be headshot for bonus damage.

At high rounds, players can go down to just one or two hits from a standard enemy, even with all the Perks and Armor Plates Essence can buy.

So with all that in mind, fans are calling on Treyarch to fix Citadelle des Morts by either bringing the zombies in line with standard enemies, or simply eliminating the save/load bug entirely.

Of course, this is an issue that could easily fly under the radar, as it only affects a small percentage of Black Ops 6 players. However, Treyarch has already shown that it’s listening to Zombies players with some of its recent changes, so we think it’s very possible that this will get a fix before long.

But right now, the focus is likely on preparing Black Ops 6 Zombies’ new Season 3 map – here’s everything we know so far!

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