Beyond the Gates fans! We had an insane start to the week with Dani Dupree (Karla Mosley) making a terrifying scene at Hayley Lawson‘s (Marquita Goings) wedding to Bill Hamilton (Timon Kyle Durrett). I am guessing that Hayley is about to hit the point where she has had enough.

And she’s going to want payback on Dani for this and other reasons. We’re going to talk about how Hayley could clap back hard on Dani. Once she finally realizes there is no hope of ever making peace with the Duprees, she’ll have nothing to lose.

Beyond the Gates Wedding Day Drama: Dani Dupree’s Explosive Antics and Hayley Lawson’s Humiliation

I will say that I was very concerned that Hayley and Bill facing that gun on their big day was a fantasy sequence. I said that here. If it had been, Y&R or Bold, it absolutely would have been all in Dani’s head. So, I was downright ecstatic that it wasn’t a fake out, and it was just over-the-top insane drama.

That scene felt like prime-time soap writing, you know, very Dynasty, very Dallas, you know, that vibe. Let’s face it, Dani Dupree really stole the day when she pulled the gun and shot the flower arrangement. And terrified the happy, should-have-been happy couple.

The Show Goes On

Bill still, you know, went through with it and married Hayley in the end. But, Dani will always be a major and traumatic part of Hayley’s wedding memories forever. Dani may not be in the photos, but she is burned into Hayley’s mind. And she scared the heck out of the bride. Then, humiliated Bill by forcing him to get on his knees in front of everyone.

To be fair, he’s 6’5″, so even on his knees, he was still almost as tall as his tiny bride, Hayley. In the end, Dani was hauled out by family. Nobody got shot other than some flowers that she thought were tacky, and Bill and Hayley went ahead and said their “I do’s,” but it was not the country club society wedding she dreamed of.

It was them, the officiant, and a couple of co-workers. They might as well have been at City Hall. So, in the end, although Dani didn’t get her man back, she definitely destroyed Hayley’s big day, and there’s no take-backs on that.

The Ruined Wedding Night: How Dani Continues to Haunt Hayley’s New Life

Then Dani Dupree took a joy ride on her sister’s foster son, Andre Richardson (Sean Freeman), to work through some of the anxiety after the high-stakes press conference. And don’t forget that event messed up Hayley’s wedding day as well, or to be more specific, it messed up her wedding night.

After Bill’s gun-toting ex played shooting gallery at the ceremony, you know, Hayley just wanted to relax, have some champagne. She wanted her man to take off her dress, make her forget all about it, and make love to her on their wedding night as man and wife.

Instead, Bill got all worked up about Dani and the Duprees’ press conference, and he insisted that they postpone their plans and go tangle with the Duprees again. Hayley begged him, but Bill would not relent, and that just meant more of Dani on Hayley’s big day.

Hayley Got Her Way on Beyond the Gates

You know, in the end, Hayley has got her man, Bill. She has got the wedding ring. She’s got the mansion, but she can’t enjoy it, not really. She already told Bill that Dani is living rent-free in her head, and whatever Hayley was hoping for in this new life isn’t happening now, and I can’t see it happening in the future.

She’s very pleased to have that big house in Fairmont Crest, but she’s not going to have friends there or neighbors that are happy to see her. Despite her saying she never meant for anybody to get hurt, you know, in the end, Hayley stole Bill, and she seems to want the exact life that Dani had with him, despite all the warning signs that that’s a bad idea, because she lost him, you know.

But Hayley is never going to be accepted in that neighborhood. She is a home wrecker, and none of the other ladies in Fairmont Crest are going to want her around. Why would they? And a big part of that, of course, is Dani and the Duprees blackballing her, but also nobody wants a known home wrecker around their husband. First Wives Club, they don’t like none of that.

Hayley’s Breaking Point: Will She Seek Revenge on Dani?

So next, we’re going to get into what happens when Hayley decides she just can’t take Dani’s abuse anymore. It shouldn’t be too much longer until Hayley goes ahead and she just snaps. Once she sees that her shiny new life is not so shiny, she is also going to realize that Dani isn’t going to stop. She’s going to make it her life’s work to make Hayley miserable.

Dani is going to do all she can to make sure Hayley never, ever has it easy, doesn’t ever enjoy a moment of peace, cannot enjoy what she has stolen from her, not now, not in the future, and not ever. And that puts Dani permanently living rent-free in Hayley’s head.

So at some point, you know, Hayley’s going to stop asking Dani and the others for forgiveness. She’s going to stop trying to make amends, and she’s going to hit back. You know, that saying, “Living well is the best revenge,” and I think that’s some version of what we’re going to see.

I definitely expect Hayley to turn around and look for payback on Dani, not right away, but soon. Remember, Hayley’s a lot younger than Dani, and her life’s just getting started.

Beyond the Gates - Hayley and Dani
Beyond the Gates – Hayley and Dani

The Ultimate Revenge? Hayley’s Potential Pregnancy and Its Impact on Dani

So the big question is, how long until Hayley decides she wants a baby? I’m sure she can talk Bill into it. I mean, how his kids with Dani aren’t even talking to him because of his affair and now his marriage to Hayley. And of course, Bill’s mad at Dani, too, and he also wants some petty revenge.

He is definitely looking for payback on them for messing up Hayley’s day. I just don’t know why Bill thought for one moment the Duprees or Dani would ever accept what he’s done, you know. He might totally be on board with Hayley getting pregnant for that reason.

I’m guessing if they go ahead and start a family, you know, they’re going to be sure to rub that in Dani’s face. If Beyond the Gates goes this route with Hayley getting pregnant by Bill, you know, Dani will lose it. As bad as she handled Bill marrying Hayley, him turning around and starting a whole new family with the side piece he married would probably push Dani back to that edge.

Dani Loses It Again on BTG?

They are going to need to install a metal detector at the door of the baby shower or make sure somebody frisks Dani if she shows up, if indeed they go the baby route, and they’ve got plenty of time to do that.

I’m not saying it’s happening next week pr even next month. But I feel like this is where we’re headed because, you know, Dani’s just not going to handle this well. She’s not going to let them settle down and forget about her, and Bill and Hayley having a baby would be a very deliberate slap in the face at Dani.

You know, talk about really stealing her life. Hayley would have the man, the mansion, and then some babies, and there is nothing that antagonizes a woman like seeing their man sleep with a younger woman and then start a whole new family trying to hang on to his youth by any means.

Dani would hate it, and that means it would be the perfect revenge for Hayley to engage in. If, if she wound up getting some acceptance in the community and stayed busy with the other ladies who lunch and got to work on charity committees, and whatnot. she might be happy just being Bill’s wife.

Hayley’s Best Revenge on Beyond the Gates

But since that’s not going to happen because Dani’s going to make sure it doesn’t. And Anita Dupree (Tamara Tunie) is going to be right there making sure it doesn’t. I think Hayley is going to go looking for other ways to make herself happy and Dani miserable.

And making a baby with Bill would do both of those things. It’s kind of the ultimate payback, a huge insult to Dani, the worst, really. Of course, Hayley turning up pregnant would also be a deal breaker for Bill’s daughters, and the thing, it’s already bad with them, you know.

Naomi Hamilton Hawthorne (Arielle Prepetit) already doesn’t want to talk to her dad and despises Hayley, and his daughters would know immediately that Bill getting Hayley pregnant will devastate their mom, Dani. This would be absolutely soapy and so messy. So we’ll see if Beyond the Gates goes this route, but it might not be for a while if they do, but that’s where I think we’re going, and I am here for it.

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