MiceGard is a Nordic mythology tale of mice fighting evil frogs. The story is rather deep for a game of this type, but to be honest, I just skipped through the walls of text to get through the to game play. I regret that decision now that I look back on it, as certain things would have made more sense if I had bothered to read. But that’s not to say the game is bad, it is not. It is an action strategy game where you control a group of mice fighting frog soldiers. You have three stances you can have the mice in: free, attack and defense. In free, the mice run around and freely attack, and usually get their butts kicked. Attack is where they have a triangle formation and fire arrows. Defense is where they get into a circle and fight defensively.
MiceGard levels consist of mostly of moving from point A to point B, fighting, defending and gathering stuff. As the levels move on, your choice of stance becomes critical, especially starting with the “New Leader” stage. In the levels, there are three things to collect, health potions, stones and mouse prisoners. Stones are used to rebuild buildings in your village which give you benefits, like extra health and regeneration. Mouse prisoners are used for the final stage/battle. The more you have, the easier it is in MiceGard.
If I had to label MiceGard something, it would be “forgettable.” It is good for what it is and it doesn’t outstay it welcome. However, I never found myself excited or feeling like this would be something I would come back to. This is a game in six months I’ll forget I have reviewed it (and there are quite a few of those with over 500 reviews under my belt). Still, I cannot be hard on it as it still a competent game. It is for that reason MiceGard will get a Recommended with a seven back-end score. A good game that’ll you complete in an evening, but nothing more.
Overall: MiceGard is a tale of mice versus frogs with Nordic mythology themes. MiceGard offers an intriguing but short-lived experience.
Verdict: Recommended
eShop Page
For more Viking themed strategy fun, try Landnama!
Game received for free from the publisher
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